Nurturing and maintaining our mental and emotional equilibrium is key to living a happy and fulfilling life. Founder of The White Sanctuary, Rebecca is a fully accredited member of the National Counselling Society and trained with the founding members of The Foundation for Emotional Therapeutic Counselling between 1994 -1999, she has many years of experience in this field and has supported clients through deep emotional trauma, abuse, overwhelming anxiety, bereavement, PTSD and eating disorders.
As with her other modalities, the Psychotherapeutic journey with Rebecca is always gentle and deeply supportive, much of the work she implements with clients centres around uncovering obscured and harmful belief patterns, connecting with the inner child and learning how to heal the dysfunctional or shadow aspects of self.
What ever the individual’s presenting issue might be, Rebecca’s deep reverence, empathy and unconditional support of her clients is always unwavering. Working prescriptively with individuals, the therapeutic journey lasts for as long as necessary and Rebecca encourages her clients to dictate the frequency of sessions required.
Whilst the psychotherapeutic journey initially embraces the client’s past and present ‘self’, the intention is to eventually guide the client towards recognising their own seeds of potential and to initiate deep self confidence, emotional resilience and self awareness, empowering individuals to move on from experiences that inhibit them and become the very best version of themselves.
One to one session with Rebecca £45 – £80 depending on location – concessions are available.
“You have had a profound affect on my mental health and my physical well-being, both of which were at a crisis point, bless you Rebecca.”
E.Hunt. Warwickshire.
“Counselling has been invaluable to me……..I didn’t feel I had a future……Rebecca is more than and extra-ordinary counsellor; she is an Earth Angel.”
New Hope Counselling client.
“I have worked along side Rebecca for just over a year. Rebecca is a conscientious worker who always shows great commitment to her clients whilst providing a dedicated service.”
R.Prosser, fellow counsellor and line manager at New Hope Counselling Charity.

Replenishing our core vitality and overall sense of well-being allows us to live a full and vibrant life. One of the most ancient and remarkable methods of ensuring our body’s vital energy is naturally replenished and in balance is Energy Healing.
Every element in the natural world, plant, animal or mineral, radiates energy. Energy healers are simply taught how to be a channel of natural and universal energy for the highest good of the recipient.
Energy Healing works beautifully along side conventional and alternative medicine, it is non invasive and has very few contraindications. Energy healers work gently and quietly with the subtle energy fields of the physical body, the experience is deeply relaxing and comforting and the client remains fully clothed throughout, either seated or lying down.
Clinical trials have shown that the act of healing is an emotionally and spiritually profound experience that supports long lasting physical and emotional health and well being. One such study was conducted by Sandy Edwards, healer member and Fellow of The Healing Trust. Sandy’s research trial was the largest clinical trial ever undertaken in a hospital and the results were outstanding and unwavering in supporting the benefits of receiving healing ( please see links on our ‘discover’ page).
Rebecca is a full healer member of The Healing Trust and in 2019 was co-opted on to their ‘Board of Trustees’. She is a natural healer and empath and fully committed to promoting the benefits of healing globally; she firmly believes that healing should be a normal and accepted part of everyday life, as well as being freely available within our health care system.
One to one sessions with Rebecca £45 – £80 depending on location – concessions available.
“I am simply blessed to have known Rebecca, I have been seeing her for several years now, her calm, gentle, caring approach envelopes me during appointments and I remain in good health, there is no doubt in my mind that she is a remarkable healer.”
C.Taylor. Warwickshire.
“I had been having a difficult time with my health when I first saw Rebecca for healing. Rebecca’s support has been invaluable. I have recovered my strength, gained insight about what was going on and why and continue to go for healing sessions for ongoing support.”
P.Bennett. Oxfordshire.

Restoring emotional well-being using Emotional Freedom Technique is now considered by many medics and clinicians to be a radical form of respite from PTSD, but it’s benefits are not confined to this area.
Also known as ‘Tapping’ this form of energy medicine combines the ancient principles of Chinese acupressure with modern psychology. The foundation of evidence that underpins this natural method of restorative healing is supported by well over 100 clinical trials which also demonstrate how effective this form of energy medicine is for relieving joint and muscle pain, as well as phobias and anxiety and a myriad of other physical diagnoses.
EFT also reduces the emotional impact of memories and incidents that trigger emotional distress. It is a powerful hands on modality that can be easily understood and adopted by the recipient, empowering them to take greater control of their own emotional and physical wellbeing. Deep trauma work however should not be undertaken alone or by an unqualified practitioner.
Matrix re-imprinting is a specific form of EFT which evolved from the work of Karl Dawson & Sasha Allenby: this innovative approach to EFT is of particular interest to Rebecca and now supports all of her tapping practitioner work.
One to one sessions with Rebecca £45 – £80 depending on location – concessions available.
“Rebecca has taken part in all of my EFT training, she is a highly experienced healer, a natural empath and intuitively effective EFT practitioner.
Annie Penny, Master EFT practitioner and Trainer for EFT International.”
(See a link for Annie’s training on our ‘Discover’ page)
“Rebecca creates a safe space to share and address issues through her use of EFT tapping. Her calm and gentle approach has allowed me to have time to think, process my responses and move forward in a positive way. She is a highly skilled listener and responds sensitively. She has enabled me to shift limiting beliefs which I held. I would recommend Rebecca to anyone who wants to do EFT tapping- you are in safe hands.”
M.Auton. Essex

Nourishing ourselves with a healthy and balanced diet is essential to our over all well-being, in addition to our nutritional needs, keeping our gut biome in balance is crucial to maintaining our personal equilibrium and has now been scientifically proven to benefit not only our digestive system but symbiotically our endocrine and nervous systems too. Our digestive systems are thought by nutritionists and naturopaths to be our second brain, with 75% of our serotonin being produced in our intestines.
There is a direct relationship with our emotions and our gut and consequently this is a very important holistic element to the healing process, specifically when clients are working through deep trauma, anxiety or PTSD. Rebecca studied nutrition during her Holistic Therapy Diploma and applied her knowledge to her own experience with IBS, endometriosis, during pregnancy, personal trauma, the menopause and also whilst working and travelling widely with her husband and two children.
As with her other modalities Rebecca’s hands on experience and continued research and study in this field are woven into her practice work with clients. Making wholesome lifestyle choices in terms of nutrition is an important corner stone to the therapeutic process, as well as our ongoing health and well-being. Rebecca is passionate about encouraging her clients to intuitively understand their own nutritional needs, so they learn to confidently make the right choices for themselves.
Nutritional healing is woven into all aspects of Rebecca’s work, there is no extra charge for this unless dietary advice is specifically requested.
“Rebecca’s input regarding my personal dietary needs has supported both my physical and emotional health, I feel sure I would still be suffering terribly with joint and muscle pain had I not been encouraged to consider the importance of my diet to my overall sense of wellbeing.”
E.Hunt. Warwickshire.

https://www.thehealingtrust.org.uk/ If you are interested in learning the art of healing one of the most comprehensive training programmes is facilitated by the many excellent tutors at The Healing Trust. They offer a broad and and incredibly thorough curriculum of training that supports student healers through to full professional standards certification.
https://www.anniepenny.co.uk/ EFT Master Trainer Annie Penny teaches both in London and the Cotswolds. Annie is a highly experienced EFT practitioner and trainer with extensive experience and knowledge of working in palliative care, deep trauma and with PTSD.
https://www.aetc.org.uk/ The Foundation For Emotional Therapeutic Counselling facilitates courses in both Stratford upon Avon and Cheltenham. The academy training offers an in-depth and self reflective foundation course for students, as well as further training and certification leading to full accreditation with the NCS (National Counselling Society – which is regulated by the Professional Standards Authority). The training is highly professional and experientially profound, it gives students a solid foundation in becoming a professional therapeutic counsellor.
The links and books below are recommendations for students & clients on the path of self discovery and healing;
Connect with Sandy on her face book page here:
- Super Genes – Deepak Chopra & Rudolph E.Tanzi
- In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts, close encounters with addiction – Gabor Maté
- Frontiers Of Health, From Healing to Wholeness – Dr Christine Page
- Cutting the Ties That Bind – Phyllis Krystal
- The Drama of Being a Child – Alice Miller
- Healing the Child Within – Charles L. Whitfield M.D
Our Story
Founder of The White Sanctuary, Rebecca is passionately committed to promoting the wellbeing modalities which she uses with clients, combining her in-depth training and experience in natural healing and mental and emotional well-being to offer a uniquely integrative solution to her clients needs. Her extensive work experience includes corporate stress management, running a private health practice and formerly operating her own interior design company for over 20 years, living and working in the UK and abroad.
Rebecca’s innate creative skills and therapeutic knowledge base have enabled her to facilitate the needs of her clients online both nationally and internationally. She also works in person in London, Oxfordshire, Warwickshire and Gloucestershire. Along with her private practice work Rebecca volunteers her time within three national charity foundations, undertaking volunteer work is hugely important to her and ensures all of the modalities she is passionate about are available to those who may not normally have access to them.
The White Sanctuary is also a lifestyle resource for natural products and simple, ethical living concepts that support the environment and our continued well-being, all of which have been personally endorsed and curated by Rebecca. Additionally we are committed to promoting the many organisations who are a force for good in the field of health & well-being training and research, our network of practitioners and organisations are some of the very best that the UK has to offer. Courses, Retreats and Wellbeing days run by Rebecca reflect her lifestyle philosophy and incorporate a myriad of healing modalities that promote greater self awareness, emotional equilibrium and physical wellbeing, supporting individuals towards being the very best version of themselves.
For more information on courses and events please sign up to our mailing list.
Founder of The White Sanctuary.